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  • How long are the lessons?
    Each lesson runs for 1.5 hours over 9 weeks, each term.
  • How do students share their work in a zoom lesson?
    Students can take photos of their working out and send it through the online portal. In some cases, if a student has a tablet and compatible pen (such as an iPad and Apple Pencil) then students can take over the screen and do the working out.
  • When is homework due?
    Homework must be submitted within 7 days of a lesson. Due to the volume of students at askcaasi , and to ensure askcaasi runs smoothly, work submitted after 7 days won’t be marked. This deadline will also help train your child to manage their time and study routine effectively.
  • When will homework be returned to me?
    Homework and exams will be marked and returned to you within 7 days. There is no need to send follow-up emails or texts asking if work you have submitted has been received – it has and will be returned to you within the period outlined above. If there are any unexpected delays, you will be notified promptly.
  • Do you offer face-to-face classes?
    All askcaasi classes are online via Zoom now and forever. Zoom is an incredibly effective and convenient learning platform and our students have consistently obtained excellent results.
  • Do you offer trial lessons?
    askcaasi is confident in our tutoring services that we offer a Money Back Guarantee after their first lesson. If student or parent notifies askcaasi in writing that they do not want to on continue 24 hours before their next scheduled lesson then they will receive all monies paid back.
  • Enrolment Policy
    Enrolment Policy These terms and conditions are to be agreed by parents or guardians when they accept an offer of an enrolment for a student at askcaasi These terms and conditions supersede any prior agreements you have entered into with us for our services. Definitions “askcaasi ” means askcaasi (ABN 16 763 522 669) “Student” means the child or children enrolled at Askcaasi “T&C” means Enrolment Agreement “We” means the customer/s, being the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s), as applicable We understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following: Fees 1. Once we accept an offer of an enrolment at askcaasi, we are committed to one full term for every course in which a student is enrolled, and the respective fees are immediately and fully payable. 2. Unless we notify askcaasi in writing by the end of a current term to terminate the enrolment for the following term, askcaasi will enrol the student for the following term. Notification of intent to cancel enrolment for next term must be via email In such circumstances the student’s enrolment for the following term is automatically confirmed and the respective fees are immediately and fully payable on the next scheduled invoice date. 3. askcaasi may suspend or terminate the enrolment of the student whose fees are in arrears. In addition, Askcaasi may charge an additional fee where fees are paid after the due date. 4. We understand that no remission of fees, credit, or refund, either in whole or in part, will be provided if the student is absent due to any reason such as illness, leave, enrolment suspension or termination. 5. If a lesson is postponed or changes made due to an event (e.g., teacher’s illness, natural disaster, power outage, etc) the postponed lesson will be rescheduled to a later date, or a substitute teacher may take the class. No credit or refund, either in whole or in part, will be provided in this regard. 6. If askcaasi offered hard copy resources and we have lost are lost or misplaced the resources, we must request for a replacement which will be at the sole discretion of askcaasi. A fee will apply if the replacement is issued. 7. Interest on unpaid amounts due and payable to askcaasi will apply at 10% per annum. Payments 8. Fees are payable when the customer receives confirmation of enrolment and invoice for the enrolment fees via email. 9. 50% of fees owing must be paid within 5 days of receiving notification from askcaasi. 10. Remaining 50% of fees are to be paid in week 4 of each enrolled term. 11. We are responsible in providing i. Personal information that is correct and up to date/ ii. Fee payments are made on time specified on the issued invoice. iii. Payments of electronic funds transfer (EFT) or credit card via Stripe. 12. askcaasi may cancel or discontinue an enrolment if fees are not paid as required. 13. The enrolment may be suspended until the outstanding fee is paid. 14. A late fee may apply where fees are paid after the due date. Statutory cooling off period 15. A statutory cooling off period (which is 10 days) is a period of time provided to a consumer to allow them to withdraw from a consumer agreement, where the agreement was established through unsolicited marketing or sales tactics. These include tactic such as door-to-door sales and telemarketing. A statutory cooling off period allows a consumer to withdraw from a sales agreement within 10 days of having received a sale contract without penalty. Refund Policy 16. The Australian Consumer Law grants certain rights which cannot be excluded. These rights include a right to replacement or refund where there is what is called a major problem. A major problem could occur where askcaasi’s Services: i. have a problem that would have stopped the customer’s buying if you had known about it ii. is substantially unfit for its purposes and cannot easily be fixed with a reasonable time iii. do not fit the customer’s specific purpose and this cannot be fixed in a reasonable time iv. are unsafe. First Lesson Money Back Guarantee 17. We understand that askcaasi offers a First Lesson Money Back Guarantee. If we are a new customer and aren't completely satisfied once we have tried askcaasi’s classes, askcaasi will issue a refund for all payments made, if we have notified askcaasi at least 48 hours before the next scheduled class. 18. We must return any materials and resources provided to askcaasi and will have all access to online learning system ceased by askcaasi. Changes to terms and conditions 19. askcaasi reserves the right to amend the conditions of the students’ enrolment at any time. 20. If amendments are made that effect the student’s enrolment askcaasi will provide at least 14 days prior notice if any terms in this T&C change. Student 21. All askcaasi students are required to behave in a respectful manner to other students and Askcaasi staff at all times. 22. askcaasi reserves the right to amend askcaasi policies in its sole discretion from time to time having regard to changes developments in curriculum, the education sector, legal and regulatory amendments, and economic conditions. We and our students agree to abide by askcaasi Policies as amended from time to time. 23. askcaasi reserves the right to suspend or terminate any enrolment at their sole discretion. 24. The student’s personal property is not insured by askcaasi and it does not accept any responsibility for loss. 25. We will be liable for costs incurred by our students intentionally damaging askcaasi property. 26. askcaasi may request and publish the student’s school exam results, HSC results, ATAR results and photographs. Missed class policy 27. Class changes can only be made once per term and is subject to class availability at the time of request. 28. askcaasi will make reasonable efforts to accommodate availability however if there is no other class or timeslot a refund or credit will not be issued. Copyright and confidential information 29. askcaasi Academic Resources are copyright and Confidential Information. 30. Askcaasi’s Academic Resources are provided by askcaasi exclusively for the purposes of askcaasi providing education services to askcaasi students. askcaasi Academic Resources cannot be reproduced, on-sold, published, gifted, or otherwise used for any other purpose. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information 31. askcaasi takes the privacy of students very seriously and complies with all legislative requirements. These include the Privacy Act 1099 and Australian Privacy Principles (effective from 12th March 2014) The personal information provided at the time of enrolment may be used by askcaasi for a variety of purposes including but not limited to: a. Student administration b. Student surveys c. Promotional campaigns d. The provision of a safe environment for askcaasi students and the personal information may be disclosed to a third party if: i. Required by the law ii. Authorised by the law iii. The parents/carers have consented to disclosing of the personal information iv. Deemed appropriate by askcaasi management team for the purposes of the student’s education, health, care, welfare, or development. 32. Some online classes may be recorded. I understand that my accepting enrolment we consent to any recordings. The storage of that recording and will be kept for the duration of the term only and then disposed. Declaration 33. The information provided to askcaasi at the time of enrolment is complete and correct to the best of our knowledge. We also understand that the purposely giving false, misleading, or incomplete information may lead to the refusal of acceptance, financial liability for damages or cancellation of enrolment. 34. By agreeing to these Terms, we promise to follow these rules a. Not share your password b. Not use any misleading or incorrect names, addressed, email addresses c. We’ll not download and store any of the content which you are not permitted to do so under these Terms d. We’ll not use the content provided by askcaasi for commercial purposes without first obtaining our express written authority; and e. Each registered account is associated with an individual an account will not be shared amongst parties. 35. By accepting enrolment and checking the box for these Terms and Conditions, online, we agree to these Terms.
  • Privacy Policy
    Privacy Policy askcaasi collects and stores personal information on our learners and industry clients. askcaasi complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth). This policy describes how Askcaasi collects, manages, uses, discloses, protects, and disposes of personal information in accordance with the thirteen Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Definitions Under the Privacy Act 1988 and Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (s6(1)), personal and sensitive information is defined as follows: - Personal information: “information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable: (a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and (b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.” - Sensitive information: “(a) information or an opinion about an individual’s: (i) racial or ethnic origin, or (ii) political opinions, or (iii) membership of a political association, or (iv) religious beliefs or affiliations, or (v) philosophical beliefs, or (vi) membership of a professional or trade association, or (vii) membership of a trade union, or (viii) sexual preferences or practices, or (ix) criminal record, that is also personal information; or (b) health information about an individual; or (c) genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information; or (d) biometric information that is to be used for the purposes of automated biometric verification or biometric identification; or (e) biometric templates”. Collection and use askcaasi collects personal information, either directly or indirectly, that is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to its delivery of the services it offers. Some of the information collected may be regarded as ‘sensitive’ as defined by the Privacy Act. By providing askcaasi with personal information about another person, you expressly represent and warrant that: - you are authorised to provide that information to us. - you have obtained express consent of the individual to disclose their personal information to us for its relevant use. - you have complied with the Learning Management System (LMS) and relevant Applications (APPs) in collecting that personal information. - you have informed that person about the contents of the Policy including who we are, how we use and disclose personal information that we obtained from you. How we may use your personal information We may use your personal information for the following purposes: - to verify your identity. - to set up and activate your account with askcaasi. - to respond to your expression of interest to enrol or purchase askcaasi’s product or service. - to understand your requirements and enable askcaasi to provide or service to you. - to set up, administer and manage askcaasi’s products and services. - to facilitate and process your enrolment, charging, billing, and payments. - to research and develop askcaasi's services. - to carry out or respond to your queries. - to provide information to you that you have requested. - to maintain and develop askcaasi’s business systems and infrastructure, including testing these systems. - To comply with our legal obligations. - To analyse and measure how you are interacting with our websites. - To provide to external parties such as affiliates and other trusted businesses or persons to process and analyse it for askcaasi. - To share non-personally identifiable information publicly and with our partners – like publishers, advertisers, developers, or rights holders. - To facilitate reviews and to seek your feedback in relation to askcaasi’s products and services. By agreeing to accept the terms of this Policy or by providing your personal information to us, you are deemed to have consented to the use of your personal information for the above purposes or any other secondary purposes under the terms of this Policy. We agree that your personal information will not be used for any other purpose without your prior consent unless we believe that the use is related to the purpose for which your personal information was first provided to us. Disclosure of personal information Askcaasi does not disclose personal information other than for the purpose for which it was collected, or an individual has consented to a secondary purpose, or an individual would reasonably expect this (such as receiving communications about upcoming events), or if required by law. Askcaasi may share personal information with the Commonwealth government in accordance with Commonwealth contractual obligations. In these circumstances Askcaasi will take reasonable steps to inform and seek consent from the individuals concerned and take all reasonable steps to ensure that the recipient handles the personal information according to the APPs. askcaasi does not sell its mailing lists to third parties for marketing purposes. askcaasi does not disclose personal information to overseas recipients. While people around the world can access material published on our website, no statistical or research publications contain identifiable personal information. Management of personal information askcaasi endeavours to ensure the personal information it collects and uses or discloses is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant. askcaasi routinely updates the information held in its customer relationship management system. This includes confirming with learners who are returning for a new enrolment if their personal contact details have changed. Access to and correction of personal information Individuals may, subject to the exceptions prescribed by the Australian Privacy Principles, request access to and correction of their personal information where this is collected directly from individuals by askcaasi. Askcaasi does not charge for giving access to or for correcting personal information. Requests for access to or correction of personal information should be made in accordance with the learner access to records policy. Information retention and disposal Personal information is held in electronic and paper format: - Information collected from learner enrolment applications and survey responses is held in databases. - Names and contact details of stakeholders are held on our online database and email contact lists. - Names and contact details collected during the delivery of services are e held in electronic form in askcaasi document management system. When personal information is no longer necessary for askcaasi business functions, and it is lawful to do so, askcaasi destroy the information. Information security askcaasi takes active steps to protect personal information from misuse, interference, and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure. - Askcaasi systems and internal network are protected from unauthorised access using appropriate technologies. Most system data transferred over the internet is protected by Secure Socket Level protocol (SSL). The inherent risks associated with data transmission over the internet are, however, commonly acknowledged. Individuals, who do not wish to provide their personal information via the online website forms have the option of mailing this information to askcaasi. - Access to askcaasi's online database is protected through user log-on and password, and assignment of user access rights. - Third-party providers used by askcaasi for the delivery of services are all located within Australia and are required to be compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles and offer appropriate safeguards to protect personal information. - askcaasi premises and data storage systems are fully secured. askcaasi practices clean-desk policy and locking workstations when working with personal information. Paper documents containing names and addresses are required to be locked away and shredded when destroyed. All hardware is properly ‘sanitised’ before disposal.
  • Child Protection Policy
    INTRODUCTION This Child Protection Policy (the “policy”) guides employees (paid and volunteer) of askcaasi (“we”, ABN 16 763 522 669) on how to behave when interacting and engaging with children (minors under 18 years of age) in our organisation, in delivering academic tutoring services (the “service”). The policy focuses on how we can build and maintain a child safe environment which is inclusive, transparent and promotes children’s participation. CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION askcaasi supports the active participation of children in the programs, activities, and services we offer. This may include, but is not limited to, group tutoring sessions (where there is more than one tutor and/or student), group feedback session (where there is more than one tutor and/or student) and one-on-one tutoring (w here there is one tutor and one student). We provide a range of way to allow children to provide feedback or raise concerns. We listen to their views, respect what they say and involve them when we make decisions, especially about matters that will directly affect them. RECRUITMENT Askcaasi will maintain a rigorous and consistent recruitment, screening, and selection process. This will be completed through mandatory interviewing and training, checking of references where appropriate and ensuring all employees have a valid Working With Children Check clearance (WWCC) or application number. COMPLAINTS MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING Should any employee, student or parent/caregiver have concerns about a student’s wellbeing and/or safety, Zeina Awad (the “Business Owner”) should be the first point of contact. All correspondence must include: the complainant’s full legal name, contact details, the corresponding student’s name, a thorough description of the concerns and the date in which the concern was raised. Please direct all enquiries to: Zeina Awad e: m: 0405742602 The Business Owner is a Mandatory Reporter under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998. Should the Business Owner find any cases where a student’s wellbeing and/or safety may be compromised, the Business Owner will report the matter using the Mandatory Reporter Guide and contact the relevant agencies where required, including, but not limited to: NSW Police, Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS) and the Office of the Children’s Guardian. Any employee found contravening the applicable Laws surrounding this Child Protection Policy or the Child Protection Policy itself will be immediately suspended, without pay, from all child-related duties until the issue is resolved or employment is terminated. Any student and/or found contravening the applicable Laws surrounding this Child Protection Policy or the Child Protection Policy itself will have their service immediately suspended until the issue is resolved or the service is terminated. TRAINING, SUPPORT AND SUPERVISION OF EMPLOYEES We promote respect, fairness, and consideration for all employees. All employees have a more senior worker assigned to support and supervise their work. All new employees will receive a copy of all child protection policies and procedures and a more senior worker will set up a meeting to discuss the policies and allow the new worker to ask questions and clarify their understanding. Child protection is a standing agenda item at meetings and employees are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to the continuous improvement of child protection policies, procedures, and practices in the workplace. OTHER LEGISLATION, INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND INTERNAL POLICIES This Child Protection Policy conforms with the Child Protection (Working With Children) Act 2012 and Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998. This Child Protection Policy itself is an internal Policy of askcaasi. It should be read in accordance with the askcaasi Terms of Service. COMMUNICATION We will hold information sessions for employees, students, and parents/caregivers. Our policy will be discussed during induction sessions for all new employees, students and/or parents/caregivers. Students and/or parents/caregivers commencing our services will receive a copy of the Policy, Terms of Service and Dealing with Complaints process. Parents/caregivers will receive a copy of the Parent's Guide to Child Protection Issues. REVIEW The policy and guidelines will be reviewed every two years and incorporate comments and suggestions from our range of stakeholders (including employees, students, and parents/caregivers).
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